Emergency Info

Guidelines on when to call the Emergency Services 999 for unwell recreational drug users

Call 999 if ANY one of the following is present:

Unconsciousness – if the patient does not respond to vocal commands, requires painful stimulus (e.g. pressure across the fingernails) to respond or does not respond at all.

Significant agitation (e.g. pacing around the room) or aggression not settling within 15 minutes.

Seizures (e.g. a convulsion similar to an epileptic fit)

Breathing difficulties such as fast breathing rate which does not settle within 15 minutes.

Heart rate over 140 beats per minute not settling within 5 minutes.

Temperature over 38.5 not settling after about 5 minutes of rest, or if very flushed and feels very hot if no thermometer is available.

Blood pressure – Systolic (“upper pressure”) over 180mmHg, or Diastolic (“lower pressure”) over 110mmHg on two repeated blood pressure measurements.

Other concerns – if there are any other concerns (e.g. severe headache, chest pain).


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Getting home safely

It is natural for both businesses and licensing professionals to focus on safety at the dance event. However, clubbers are particularly vulnerable on the way home where there is no-one designated to look out for them. The main risks are: Customers driving home intoxicated through drink or drugs. Customers leaving the event in need of

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Dealing with medical emergencies

A critical decision for medical/welfare staff is whether and when to call for an ambulance. This section provides authoritative guidance on this issue. The Clinical Toxicology team at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with a number of other agencies, as part of the European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN) have developed a

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